Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

Welcome to our St. John’s Lutheran School PTO School Board.


President –  Jennifer Moy

Vice-President – Tammy Roberson

Treasurer –

Secretary –

By having a child enrolled at St. John’s, you are already a member of the PTO and are invited to attend any and all PTO meetings to hear what events and fundraisers are planned or to offer any ideas you have to better your child’s experience at St. John’s. The purpose of PTO is to facilitate a working relationship between parents and the school staff. Our main goal is to encourage communication and interaction between these two groups. By doing so, the PTO can enrich your child’s experience at St. John’s through fundraising, events, and special activities. All plans are made to support the families of St. John’s, and PTO hopes all families participate in what St. John’s PTO has to offer.

PTO couldn’t do what they do without funding; that is why we hold fundraisers.  Fundraisers shouldn’t be confused with services that PTO offers, which are sometimes actually budgeted to lose money, but are offered regardless so that the children and families benefit. The Sock Hop and the Secret Santa Shoppe are examples of PTO services.

Tied in with fundraising, is the need for volunteers. There are a number of ways a parent/guardian/caregiver can volunteer; volunteers are needed for special events as well as in the individual classrooms. Please email the PTO office if interested in volunteering or if you have any questions about the PTO.

“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”

Hebrews 6:10

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”

1 Peter 4:10